FMM is Proud to Represent the Law Enforcement Officers of the Tri-Cities

August 2024
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Police officer on the scene of an accident
In our firm, we are proud to represent law enforcement from all branches of our state and Tri-City local government.

We have fought for Washington State Troopers, Benton and Franklin County Sheriff Deputies, Kennewick Police Officers, Richland Police Officers and Pasco Police Officers, along with corrections staff. In our practice, we see that law enforcement officers find themselves in harm’s way more than the rest of us. Each day they are deployed to the front lines of danger—walking into uncertain domestic disputes, pulling over racing drivers and writing tickets on the side of high-speed roadways. As a result, they are bitten by dogs, assaulted, and hit by negligent motorists at higher rates than civilians. Yet, they are less protected.

Unknown to most is the fact that law enforcement officers are less insured than the rest of us.

First, there are the times officers are bit by a dog. There is no doubt that dog owners are strictly liable for their dog’s bad behavior. Washington’s strict liability dog bite law, RCW §16.08.040, states:

Dog bites—Liability.

(1) The owner of any dog which shall bite any person while such person is in or on a public place or lawfully in or on a private place including the property of the owner of such dog, shall be liable for such damages as may be suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness. . . .

However, the sad fact is that most of the dog owners these officers face have no homeowner’s coverage or renters’ insurance to cover their dangerous dogs.

Next, there are the times officers are hit by negligent drivers. Many of these dangerous drivers are uninsured or underinsured. And not only is this true, but the agencies for which many of the officers work often carry no uninsured or underinsurance motorist insurance. In addition, the officers’ personal auto policies, which likely have these important coverages, do not follow them in their patrol cars or on the job. Our firm is often the place where officers learn for the first time that they are underinsured or uninsured for their life-altering loss.

Most of these officers are left trying to scrape by on workers’ compensation benefits and whatever they can muster from the negligent actors. It is too often a travesty of justice.

At our firm, we work to find coverage for these brave peace officers who work to keep our streets and highways safe. We have lobbied and worked with our local legislators to force agencies to better insure these officers. We have personally sued wrongdoers and worked with local prosecuting attorneys to ensure convictions through the criminal courts when there is no remedy in civil court.

The issues that face law enforcement are numerous and unique. Rescuer Doctrines and immunity issues must be considered. Insurance coverages must be unearthed from wrongdoers who are, too often, incarcerated. Local agencies must be contacted to open workers compensation claims and to pursue third-party recoveries. And contact must be made with the wrongdoer’s criminal attorneys to uncover valuable information about assets and possible sources of insurance. Our firm has extensive experience in these areas.

Over the years, we have represented officers with spine injuries, severe dog bite scarring, brain injuries, torn rotator cuffs, medical malpractice, and sadly even in death cases. We are proud of our record for these officers who are our strongest and bravest of clients. They want to return to public service as fast as possible. Sometimes, that is not possible. When it isn’t, we work to make them whole, knowing the weightiness of that charge.

If you are a law enforcement officer who was injured in the line of duty by a third party, we want to help and we will fight for you—as you do every day for us.

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